"I'm going home today!" says one of the youth at the Detention Center. I hear that a lot as a chaplain, they say that with such hope in their voice and eyes. They head out of the facility with the best intentions to stay out of the negative relationships and behavior that got them in trouble in the first place. Today, I believe this student...his faith in Christ has changed him, he has a good plan, and he has a good family. I met with this youth on the "outs" this week. He has committed to asking Christ to live through him every day, he has my phone number to call when he feels like he is slipping. As I talk with him, I see a physical change in him, Christ's power has freed him from his addictions! I thank my God everyday that He is still in the business of doing miracles. I'm thankful that He allows me to be involved with what He is doing here in Denver.