Imagine with me Christmas Day or Christmas Eve whenever your family celebrates and opens gifts. What is the feeling in the room? What are your emotions? Expectant? Excited? Anxious? Can't wait to see the reaction of the person you gave a gift too? Imagine that gift that you are giving in love because you care about that person, with no strings attached and given with the best intentions. Now imagine that person refusing to receive that gift. How would you feel? What is wrong with them? And they try to communicate to you that they don't deserve it and they could never repay it or live there life change because of it. How would you respond? Would that seem outrageous to you? As I was talking with a student, from the juvenile justice facility this past week they knew the gift was there but they refused to accept it because they didn't feel they could live up to it AND he hates hypocrites. I agreed with him, BUT I'm a hypocrite and so is he, if he was honest with himself. We try to live our lives as followers of the WAY, with Christ living through us. Christ asks us to depend on Him for strength. As you open gifts this Christmas, thank Him for His gift and supplying everything we need. In this season if giving and receiving, please remember, with me, to communicate this gift that we have in Christ.