Dec 6, 2007
Nov 6, 2007

Oct 2, 2007
When Christ was talking to Peter after his resurrection, Peter felt like Christ had lost trust in him. Jesus asks him three times, "Do you love me?" And each time Peter answers yes he is more and more adamant. You see, I don't think it was Jesus not trusting, I think is was his way to remind Peter what he was called to do. Each one of us have purpose on this earth. We are not called to eat, sleep, repeat. We are called to continue to build the church. I continue to remind juveniles of their purpose on this earth and how they can transform this world we live in. Each one of them have their doubts, but just like Peter, Christ is there to remind them through me, "Do you love me?!" Continue to pray for Denver and the youth that will transform this world through their relationship with Christ.
Aug 2, 2007
Jul 5, 2007

The name of the program I work with as a part of Denver Area Youth for Christ is above, Youth Guidance. Sometimes I feel like that word guidance is a daunting task. Today I met with a kid who is going home in two days with no sign of remorse for his fact I will probably see him again next week for the same thing. He is in a gang and regularly pursues violence with his rival gang, that brings him "cred", others in his gang thinking more highly of him because he has hurt someone from the other gang. These young people operate with their own rules void of the laws of this society. The detention center was just a hiccup in his plan, it just prolonged something he was going to do anyway. As I was talking to this kid I was trying to figure him out. It is in part about reputation and pride, but it is also about feeling like he is belonging and needing affirmation of his existence on this earth. I could try to convince him that his purpose was greater than taking down a rival gang member, but his actions were governed by a life he felt he already knew and he could only live. When asked if his life was a good example to his two year old sister, he replied..."She is going to have to learn about the "real world" eventually." May the power of the Holy Spirit and my Heavenly Father who has been working on his life a long time before I became a part of his story, transform this young man into His image and allow him to change lives, not for the worst...but for the transformation of Denver! I only planted the seed or maybe watered it...I trust in God for the rest.
Jun 21, 2007
May 3, 2007
When kids bang (They recognize that they are part of a gang) they feel like they don't have a choice to not go back to that life. One of the youth in this program feels like that, he talks about "faking it, to make it". When a kid talks like that, they do what they need to, to get through the program, but have no intentions on changing once they are on the outs. I usually see those kids back in the justice system soon after they get out. This youth has told me that he feels like the gang is the only thing he knows, so his life got a little more complicated when he sister came for a visit one day with her daughter (his niece). The counselor told me that the sister put her daughter in her brother's gang tattooed arms and for thirty minutes this hard, tough, gang banger wept. I don't know if it was the way this infant intently looked at his face, how her tiny fingers were wrapped around his finger, or how he knew he has to choose; that produced this emotion but he was a mess. After the family left that night the counselor used the teachable moment to help this 16 year old to make some commitments. "Do you want you niece to worry about getting shot in a drive by when she is visiting your home? Do you want your sister to not allow her daughter to be over at your house because of what she could get into, drugs, parties, seeing something she shouldn't? Do you want your family to not have contact with you because you choose to hang out with your homeboys?" This young man has to make a choice, and his niece was the catalyst to flip the switch in his mind. In the middle of his mixed up world of violence, sex, and drugs is this innocent, pure, helpless child and he has the choice.
We have a choice, the most spiritual thing we can do every second of the day is choose. Will I honor my Savior with this decision or will I move further from Him? May we serve Him second by second every day choosing the HOPE He brings.
Apr 13, 2007
Mar 20, 2007
Feb 8, 2007
Jan 19, 2007
Today, I gained perspective…on life, the need for love, the frailty of life, how we are not in control. And nothing I do, no matter how significant, can change a student’s life…only Christ is the hope they need. Frank is on suicide watch – he has been swallowing pencils, they don’t have any other way of hurting themselves. Some try to use their shoe strings, so they get these orange slip on shoes they call, “Bob Barker’s”. They even use erasers to burn their skin, until staff find out. Home-made tattoos using a pencil lead are common, they will even bang their head against their bed or wall just to feel the rush of pain, the adrenaline rush is their fix to fulfilling their fix, at one time on the “outs” they used drugs, alcohol, or sex. They are in a room with only their very deppressing thoughts and a staff person checks on them every 2 minutes. The most a psychologist does for the kid is talk about their self-worth…nothing about living for a higher calling. This calling that echos in eternity with a future, living for more than for Him who has changed our lives forever.
I am helpless, I can do nothing, I can’t say anything that will help…so I pray, I ask for Christ to give peace the we can not comprehend why we feel it. I ask for comfort, as if God was in the same room, wrapping His arms around him. I can’t…I can’t even hug him, I can’t pat him on the back…I have to stand outside the door, cold talking through a shatterproof glass window. There is nothing I can do. We are not in control of this life, He is and that should comfort us…that should change things – perspective, it should change us. It SHOULD change us!
Jan 4, 2007
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