When kids bang (They recognize that they are part of a gang) they feel like they don't have a choice to not go back to that life. One of the youth in this program feels like that, he talks about "faking it, to make it". When a kid talks like that, they do what they need to, to get through the program, but have no intentions on changing once they are on the outs. I usually see those kids back in the justice system soon after they get out. This youth has told me that he feels like the gang is the only thing he knows, so his life got a little more complicated when he sister came for a visit one day with her daughter (his niece). The counselor told me that the sister put her daughter in her brother's gang tattooed arms and for thirty minutes this hard, tough, gang banger wept. I don't know if it was the way this infant intently looked at his face, how her tiny fingers were wrapped around his finger, or how he knew he has to choose; that produced this emotion but he was a mess. After the family left that night the counselor used the teachable moment to help this 16 year old to make some commitments. "Do you want you niece to worry about getting shot in a drive by when she is visiting your home? Do you want your sister to not allow her daughter to be over at your house because of what she could get into, drugs, parties, seeing something she shouldn't? Do you want your family to not have contact with you because you choose to hang out with your homeboys?" This young man has to make a choice, and his niece was the catalyst to flip the switch in his mind. In the middle of his mixed up world of violence, sex, and drugs is this innocent, pure, helpless child and he has the choice.
We have a choice, the most spiritual thing we can do every second of the day is choose. Will I honor my Savior with this decision or will I move further from Him? May we serve Him second by second every day choosing the HOPE He brings.