Many of the young people I work with have these incredible extremes in life. There home life is unpredictable, chaotic, and uncertain. Then they get caught making poor choices and move to this structured, regimented, and many quiet times with them in a room only hearing their own heart beat. I see these young people get tossed back and forth by the waves of life and they are unable to stand on their own two feet. But, over and over again I see them land on their feet, firm, solid, sure! When in the quietness of their room, they talk with THE ONE who saves them from this storm! It seems that when they are taken away from the noise, the storm, they have a clearer focus and direction! What they had been doing before is not working! They need a new leader, some one to give their life to! In those moments, Christ is so clear to them, He enters into their loneliness, their past...He becomes their HOPE! May Jesus calm the storm of our lives forever and ever! Amen!