Jul 5, 2007

The name of the program I work with as a part of Denver Area Youth for Christ is above, Youth Guidance. Sometimes I feel like that word guidance is a daunting task. Today I met with a kid who is going home in two days with no sign of remorse for his actions...in fact I will probably see him again next week for the same thing. He is in a gang and regularly pursues violence with his rival gang, that brings him "cred", others in his gang thinking more highly of him because he has hurt someone from the other gang. These young people operate with their own rules void of the laws of this society. The detention center was just a hiccup in his plan, it just prolonged something he was going to do anyway. As I was talking to this kid I was trying to figure him out. It is in part about reputation and pride, but it is also about feeling like he is belonging and needing affirmation of his existence on this earth. I could try to convince him that his purpose was greater than taking down a rival gang member, but his actions were governed by a life he felt he already knew and he could only live. When asked if his life was a good example to his two year old sister, he replied..."She is going to have to learn about the "real world" eventually." May the power of the Holy Spirit and my Heavenly Father who has been working on his life a long time before I became a part of his story, transform this young man into His image and allow him to change lives, not for the worst...but for the transformation of Denver! I only planted the seed or maybe watered it...I trust in God for the rest.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Praying for your ministry often, our friend!

Rachael and Jason